The Fault In Our Stars - Book Review

Have you read The Fault In Our Stars by John Green? It was recommended by Jenn at Peas and Crayons, so I picked it up at Barnes and Noble last week. As a member, I even got a discount since it was on the best seller's bookshelf. Hoorah!

I don't even know where to begin with this book. When I read that it was about a person named Hazel who had cancer, I had no idea it would be a 16 year old girl. Don't let it fool you though, this isn't your typical book about the impact of illness on a person's life. It is told from the perspective of a diagnosed teenager, who is doing the only thing you can do in her position....try to accept her life for what it is. 

Naturally, Hazel spends much of her time trying to minimize the impact of hurt and pain she will have on others if......more like when.... she will die. A philosopher and book-worm, Hazel spends most of her days indoors reading or watching America's Next Top Model while hooked up to her breathing machine. That all begins to change when she meets Augustus Waters at her cancer support group. 

Life as a teenager was complicated enough. I can't imagine getting your driver's license knowing that you are more likely to die from an illness inside your body than a car accident. I came to love Hazel and Augustus and their witty remarks and thoughts about life. They may be teenagers, but their lives are full and they are wise old souls. 

I laughed. I cried. I became emotionally attached to these very real and extraordinarily relatable characters as they seek the answers we all do.... How can I make a difference in life? How will I be remembered when I am gone? How do I let myself love without reservation?

Read it. Love it. Learn from it.  

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