The Versatile Blogger - I'm a Winner!

My BFF Jessie over at Simplicity Eats was nominated for the Versatile Blogger award, and she is passing the award along to me! Thanks Jess! I know she is my best friend and all, but I'd like to think she is awarding it out of the true love in her heart for Nest Candy.

Here are the rules:
1.) Winners- Put the above image in your blog.
2.) Include a link back to the person who gave it to you.
3.) Tell 10 things about yourself
4.) Award 3 other bloggers
5.) Contact the bloggers you awarded and let them know they won.

1- I am a serious procrastinator. I should be working on a final paper right now, but I am blogging instead.
2- I am a good student and tend to actually like school. I am terrified of leaving school and joining the "real world."
3- I have a love affair with all things pasta related. I eat pounds of pasta. Someday it will probably catch up with me. 
4- I can spend hours watching videos and reading books about crafting, but I dread reading a college textbook for even 15 minutes. 
5- I used to be a major complainer (okay I still am) and I hated trying new things. Now I am learning to take life by the ________ (fill in the blank with your chosen body part).
6- I am extremely lazy. I do not usually exercise in any form. It's bad. 
7- I love spring and summer. I can't wait to grow things in my garden. 
8- I really dislike hate using Q-tips. It's like nails on a chalkboard in my ear.
9- I can't wait to live in a house instead of renting. (When I do, I'll probably wish I were renting instead!)
10- I still eat Cap'n Crunch as an adult. 

My Winners
Alright you lucky ladies, here it is, and you've earned it!

Heather at Extra Frosting Please is getting established in the blogosphere, and I think she's wonderful. And who doesn't want extra frosting?

Nicole at Kindred Spirits Creations has so many super cute ideas. Let's go give her some love!

Megan at Loving the Little Things  has great style and fun projects going on. I'm always checking her blog for new ideas.

Thanks again, Jessie, for the award! Heather, Nicole, and Megan I hope you will pass along the love.

- - Happy Blogging! - -

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