Behind The Blogger - Day 8

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why.

Since today is May 1st, I feel this is an entirely fitting post. I let my feet drag too much in the month of April. I had a lot of fun planning Easter dinner, but once it was over, I lost a lot of enthusiasm. Now's my chance to look ahead and make sure May is a great month!

  • First and foremost, I have to FINISH FINALS WEEK, which starts tomorrow. I have several projects and tests to get through before I am home free for the summer!
  • I am taking a trip to Red Feather Lakes with my husband and in-laws next weekend, so I would like to HAVE A GREAT TIME AT THE CABIN. I am really excited for this trip. I guess they have a huge Buddhist temple on the grounds somewhere. I really hope we go for a visit. I also can't wait to get some good nature shots with the camera. 
  • The weather will be forever relentless here at 7,000 feet, but sometime this month I need to PLANT MY LEAFY GREENS in my cute little raised bed garden. Hopefully I will be able to keep something alive this year. 
  • I would really like to SCRAPBOOK MORE this month. I have gotten seriously behind in our albums. Yes, that's right, albums-- because I still need to finish Christmas from 2009! 
  • I also want to GET AHEAD ON CARD MAKING by turning out a handful of homemade birthday and thank you cards. That way I will always have a few on hand. 
  • With all this crafting on my to-do list, I really need to ORGANIZE THE OFFICE/CRAFT ROOM. It is currently still a mess. It has never reached a fully organized state of being since we moved into this March of 2009......
  • With the weather warming up (a little) I really have no excuse. I need to WALK THE DOG MORE in the next month. He deserves it. 
  • This summer (starting now!) I want to actually LEARN TO GRILL instead of just watching my husband do it all. I am going to conquer that propane tank ladies! (and gentlemen who may read this blog and choose to remain currently anonymous!)
  • I am going to get my craft on and FEATURE SOME REALLY AWESOME PROJECTS. Nest Candy is going to be a hoppin place soon!
  • I want to READ A FEW GOOD BOOKS this month. That's right, a FEW! Because I will have no excuse not to read for fun. 
  • Most of all, I want to HAVE FUN and LEARN NEW THINGS this month. It is my birthday month and should therefore be GREAT!
What are your goals for the month of May? Let's work on some together! Let me know in the comments below.

- - Happy Blogging! - -

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