First Year Anniversary Card

This year was our first wedding anniversary, and as luck would have it, Sam was off working in Oklahoma. We spent part of the day talking on the phone, and sent each other picture messages just to say hi. At dinner time, we both ordered Pizza Hut and had a long-distance dinner together. He just recently got to come home for a visit before going back out to work, so I made him a late anniversary card. 

The little tag with the birds on it pulls out of the pocket to reveal the message to the recipient (In this case, my husband).

Even though we didn't get to be together on the actual day of our anniversary, I am happier than ever. I appreciate that he is out there working hard for his family so we don't have to worry or stress. He might be gone on our anniversary, but it's so we can have more free time together during the rest of the year. It's a good trade-off I'd say. :)

- - Happy Crafting! - -

Quick Tip Tuesday
Smooth Your Ribbons With a Flat Iron

Whenever I come across a wrinkled ribbon or just need to smooth out a small piece of fabric I don't head straight for the iron. I just go right into my bathroom and turn on my flat iron. I straighten my hair frequently, so it is always out and available.

It heats up ten times faster than my iron, and it's perfect for small pieces. Plus, you don't need to drag out the ironing board to go along with it. Just turn it on, wait 30 seconds, run your ribbon through, and you're good to go. Wrinkles will be gone, and your crafting life just got a whole lot simpler. You could even invest in a cheap travel size flat iron just for crafting purposes.

- - Happy Crafting! - -

Money Saving Monday
Free Crafting Supplies

Did you know that many times when you throw out your shopping bags or clothing tags that you could be throwing out free crafting supplies? Let's use a Victoria's Secret bag as an example. I just purchased two of their super soft t-shirts and happen to have a bag on hand.

Look at those ribbon handles! I easily untied the knots from the inside and had two hot pink lengths of ribbon for future projects. They also put your purchases in tissue paper. Score! Free pink tissue paper. The two t-shirts I purchased had the tags attached with little baby safety pins. How cute would those be on a card or a scrapbook page?

So let's see here, I got two sheets of pink tissue paper, two baby safety pins, and two lengths of hot pink ribbon. All of those things I might have otherwise thrown out! Think about what you can salvage from your shopping bags or clothing tags before you toss them out. I've gotten all kinds of things in the past. I'm always on the lookout for free stuff!

- - Happy Savings! - -

Scrappin Saturday
Handmade Greeting Cards of July

I have made quite the array of cards for this busy month of July. Below are some of my favorites.

This is a birthday card I made for Sam's grandmother for her birthday. The pendant banner is made from fabric scraps. I gave them an aged look by adding brown ink to the edges. They are strung on crochet thread and knotted inside the card.

This is a vintage inspired card I made for my sister's birthday. It has leaves and flowers raised off the page with dimensional adhesive and glitter, which you can't really see in this picture. 

This is a fun card I made for my niece's birthday. The paper has a pattern of whales which inspired the shape of the card. The eyes and mouth are on dimensional adhesive and the 2 is covered with purple glitter.

This is an anniversary card I just made. The card is made from one full 81/2" X 11" sheet of Kraft cardstock. It was folded in half, then the left half was folded back in half again. The strip across the front was added. 

I hope these cards give you some good ideas for your own projects. If you'd like a card tutorial for any of these or other cards just let me know. I'd be happy to do one! 

- - Happy Crafting! - -

Don't Bug Me Thank You Cards

I had a shopping excursion at Michael's earlier this week and was lucky enough to combine a 25% off sale on stamps with a 25% off my entire purchase coupon. That's right mathematicians, I got 50% off my stamp purchases!  Since I was getting a good deal, I picked up a few sets. I thought I would show you a set of thank you cards I made with one of the sets.

These cards were made using the Don't Bug Me stamp set by Recollections. At the discounted price, these super cute stamps were only $3.50.

They have so many possible uses. They are great for garden, spring, summer, and school themes. You could even use the spider for Halloween projects. I am so excited to use them more in the future. I was so pleased with the way the cards came out, I don't think I'll be waiting very long to use them again.

- - Happy Crafting! - -

Strong Is The New Skinny

Two days ago I was not a runner. Today, I am. And my journey to becoming that runner was not a particularly long one, but a very meaningful one. Let's back up a little...

I have always been a very skinny, even scrawny person. As a child and an adolescent, I could eat whatever I wanted and never gain an inch. I could sit on the couch all day and not develop any bulging areas. But I was never strong. I seemed to get sick all the time. I was even mentally out of shape.

I remember my gym teacher yelling out at me during my 8th grade P.E. test because I couldn't manage to do a single pushup all the way down and back up. There were no girl pushups on your knees in her class. It's a good thing I could do crunches, or I would have failed.

Since the Jr. High days, not much has changed. Once I lived on my own, I started to take more of an interest in health and fitness since I was cooking my own meals and deciding my own lifestyle. I dabbled in the communal gym at my apartment building, and I bought a few workout DVDs. Mostly, I was working out for fun, but felt I didn't have to. I wasn't dieting or trying to lose weight.

In the past few months, the hubby and I have noticed a few problem areas we seem to have developed over the past year. "We are really out of shape!" we said. And then we continued to talk about how we want to get healthier and work out together. Well, exercising your mouth unfortunately doesn't do much for your rear end, and talking is all we were doing.

Fast forward to a week ago. I went to the doctor for a regular exam. She asked me the typical questions about my health and habits. I told her that I like to take my dog out, sometimes just a walk, sometimes something more vigorous. I try to work out to a few of the DVDs I have. Nothing too spectacular. She said, "Okay, so you're pretty active."  My brain function seriously stopped for a few seconds. Did she just call me active?

I have always thought of active people as those who spend every weekend out mountain biking or playing team sports, or maybe those gym rats who carry their bag in the car with them everywhere. I certainly never thought of myself as an active person. But as soon as she said it, a happy feeling came over me. It felt nice.

Being a skinny person can have its challenges just like being overweight. You might think that there couldn't possibly be anything wrong with being able to eat all the Ben and Jerry's you want, but it does have it's downside. I can't tell you how many people laugh and make jokes about the thought of me exercising or lifting something heavy. Many people who have known me act as if I would be repulsed by the thought of a gym. And there are times that I would rather have others think that. I would rather have someone think that I sit on the couch all day than know that I use 3 and 5 pound dumbbells at home.

After that day at the doctor's office I realized that maybe people who have known me think of me one way, but here was this stranger who thought I was something else. And you know what? Maybe I could be. Maybe I wanted to be.

So I made a plan to motivate myself with a bookmarks folder of favorite exercises to do at home, and I created a Body Inspiration board on Pinterest. It's full of images like these two.

I laced up my running shoes, got warmed up, grabbed the dog, and so my life altering run began. I have never really enjoyed running. In the past, I was made to run for gym class, so I hated it. Every time I tried it on my own afterwards, I hated it. This time, I was determined to give it an honest try. I was only out for 20 minutes, and I probably ran about 15 of that, but when I got home I was elated! My lungs were feeling it, but they weren't screaming. My legs were tight, but I liked it. I had sweat beading up, but it was a hot summer day anyways, and I needed a shower. There was nothing to hate about it.

I finished out my exercise with some strength training and cooled off with some yoga poses. Immediately after my workout I drank 8oz of water with whey protein. Then I nursed down my water bottle while I showered off. This morning when I woke up, my stomach muscles hurt and my back was sore. And I just smiled. :)

Tonight I did it all again. Riley is loving all the new running he is getting to do. I think tomorrow I will switch it up and work out inside to one of my videos. I honestly can't wait. I have never had this feeling of accomplishment before. Maybe it's because others doubted that I would/could do it, but I think it's because I doubted that I could do it. I didn't run a marathon, I didn't even run a full 30 minutes, but I did something I didn't think I could. That sense of accomplishment is addictive.

To see more of my motivational pictures, don't forget to follow me on Pinterest!

- - Happy Health! - -

Money Saving Monday
Shopping Library Book Sales

If you're looking for some new summer reads for you or the kiddos this summer, don't forget to check out local library book sales. You can get all kinds of great books for an even greater price. Pick up old classics, or try out a new author at very little cost. If you're like me, you'll head straight for the old classics and vintage sections. Check out these great finds I scored at my public library.

Nancy Drew books: (1966, 1940, 1962)

Harvard Classics: Origin of Species -Darwin (1909), Autobiography from 1931, Complete Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1903)

The Octopus (1901), Kidnapped - Robert Louis Stevenson (1948)

The Young Folks Shelf of Books #4 Hero Tales (1948), The Straw Ox and Other Tales (1948), The Crowded House and Other Tales (1950) 

The Straw Ox and Crowded House books are filled with stories to be read with sound effects like old radio plays. How cute is that?!

Combat The Counterattack- Based on the Television Series (1966)

Check out the awesome illustrations this book has!

Gaston Lays an Offshore Pipeline (1979)

This one also has great illustrations. Although my husband doesn't work directly with the pipelines, he does work in oil drilling, so we just HAD to get this book.

See all the great treasures you can find! We got all these books and two others not shown here for $20! There were so many others I wanted to get as well. Even if you never read them, you can use old books to decorate with. You can also pick up a few cheap paperbacks to use in your crafting projects. Using book pages for art and decorating is all over the blogosphere right now. So get out there and show your local library some love!

- - Happy Savings! - -

How to Make Decorative Pinwheels

After Easter decorations were put away, my blue flower pot sat lonely and empty on the shelf for months. I finally  added some fun, decorative pinwheels to it, and today I'm going to show you how I made them!

For this project you will need squares of paper. I used double sided scrapbook paper because I wanted a pattern or color on the inside and outside of my pinwheel.

You want to cut each corner at a diagonal toward the center. Use the template below as a guide. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just be sure you don't cut all the way to the middle.

Once all four corners are cut, add a drop of glue to the center. Fold one of the corners down to the center. Continue with the other corners.

You can attach your pinwheel in a variety of ways. I used bamboo skewers, although I have seen them done with pencils and popsicle sticks also. I cut my bamboo skewers to varying lengths.

You can glue your pinwheels to whatever post style you choose, but if you want them to spin, thumb-tacks offer a better solution. Just push the pin through the center of your pinwheel into the post. Just get it in far enough to be secure. If it's in too far, the pinwheel won't spin.

Now you're ready to decorate with them! Add them to a flower pot or spruce up a vase. You'll have so much fun making these whimsical summer funzies you will have some for every room.

- - Happy Crafting! - -

A Day With The Dog

Yesterday Riley and I went for a little hiking adventure together. Sometimes you just need to fill up your water bottles, throw some snacks in your pack and get out there. Oh, and don't forget to bring your camera!

See that blue bungee looking leash that attaches to Riley's harness? That's a shock absorbing stretchy leash that allows him to pull me along the trail and up hills without it jerking me or him around. If you've ever had a dog run to the end of a plain, nylon leash you know how jarring it can be to hold on. It's hard on the dog and the person, so if you want to allow your dog to pull, I highly recommend the Shockles Pet Keeper. I bought mine at REI. (And no, I'm not being paid to say that!)

We took our time exploring each and every trail available to us. We wandered around until we hit where to the paved trails ended and the dirt began. Climbing through narrow, rocky passes and down slippery, gravel hills can be quite the challenge with a high energy dog leading the way. He was ever so curious.

Aside from the occasional man made item, like the restrooms and the water fountains, you could be anywhere out in the wild once you hit those dirt trails. I rarely crossed paths with another person. It was just me and my dog.

The scenery was beautiful. Giant rock formations surrounded us. Each boulder looked as if it should come tumbling down any minute.  The birch and aspen trees surrounding the path gave off a soft song in the wind.

Wildflowers were growing everywhere you looked. Some were bright, others were muted. Some were tall, others were barely peeking out of the ground. Everything seemed to be lushly growing in untouched harmony.

I came across two leaves that formed the perfect heart shape. The way the light filtered through the bright green caught my eye immediately.

There were also beaver ponds along our journey. Riley loved getting cooled off in the water. I didn't even care that he was going to smell like a stinky pond when we went home. Today was all about having fun and letting loose.

He came out of the water one filthy dog! I didn't think I should ruin his fun and tell him that he was getting a bath when we got home.

But then he rolled in dead pine needles, so I told him anyway.

We stopped and ate lunch on a rock so he could dry out a little. The lucky pup got a few pieces of my turkey. He was a happy hiker. 
Getting a good picture of the two of us was quite difficult. Even still, I think you can tell we were having a ball.

Getting a good picture of myself was even harder with a re-energized doggie pulling me along.

We finished our hike and ended up back at the car 3 1/2 hours after we started. It was a fantastic day. I think the dirty, smelly dog grinning in the backseat says it all. 

And yes, I forgot a towel for the car.... oh well. That's why they invented portable shampooers and Fabreze right? 

When was the last time you got away and had a day with a pet or a loved one? What adventures would you like to plan? Let me know in the comments below!

- - Happy Summer! - -